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Have you never looked over an imposing, shiny white castle-like wall to see what lay beyond? Now, imagine snapping on the other side of that invisible wall. Well, thanks to today's tech this can now be achieved with transparent concrete walls! While this brand of clever architecture allows for natural light to permeate and the views beyond walls, architected large times previously often simply being an excuse a wall is good "because it works" Standing back bigger picture (time) way over on how a common field area might use different ways or even be used in other parts.

    How CONCRETE is Changing the Game in Through-wall Imaging

    Walls have long been basic vertical barriers for separating areas and providing a sense of private space. However, they already do much more than this - thanks to see-through concrete walls. These walls were somewhere in between private and open, they allowed for light to filter through while allowing a wide horizontal view of the people nearby. For example, this feature can be very useful in places like museums or shopping malls that are public spaces and safety should always come first but transparency is to some degree demanded.

    Why choose Eco-Arch see through concrete wall?


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