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exterior concrete board

Concrete board for exteriors is one of the toughest and most robust types of building materials, it can withstand nearly all weather conditions making it a great candidate to be used on exterior walls. Exterior concrete board is an incredibly practical and cost effective building product that allows you to increase your homes longevity whilst improving privacy.

There are many options when selecting concrete board for exterior installation but the most suitable type of stone siding will depend on the look and feel you desire. With fiber-cement, precast concrete and tilt-up board options on the market it is crucial to select that which suits your unique criteria. After making your choice, the next thing you need to do is prepare an area of installation for concrete board.

Importance of Surface Preparation

It is important that you clean the surface well and let it dry very, very good before installing. Which is key when you are laying down the concrete board to a surface. When your surface prep is finished, you can start fitting the concrete board by cutting it to size and gently laying it onto the prepared surface. Making sure that the measurement and cuts are precise is very important to avoid any spaces or irregularities during fixing.

Step #4 - Attach to Surface with Screws or Nails The last step of the installation process is attaching it directly onto a surface using screws, nails etc.. This could require drilling small pilot holes or using screws/ nails to secure the board into place so it does not get loose years down the line. The longevity of the using exterior concrete board is that it offers significant insulation and strength against rough weather affects, but you can also see now some profound results about them.

Why choose Eco-Arch exterior concrete board?

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